

How were all of those sticky notes analyzed to create a vision for the future of UUAA?

All sticky notes were entered into a database.

Want to see what all of that data looks like? You can view a spreadsheet or PDF file of the sticky notes that were in the database:

Click this link to see the spreadsheet.

Click this link for the PDF-- and please note that you may want to magnify the PDF (150-200% might be good) to read the entries.

An abbreviated description of the data analysis is described here.

The Vision 20/50 leadership team, the Board, an Analysis Team and our consultant, Elandria Williams were all involved in analysis. The raw data was re-viewed thru several different lenses.

We split up our analysis teams so that each of us answered a question based on the submitted data-- noting the number of times something was mentioned and also noting some of the unique or strongly felt phrasing.


- One group looked at all of the sticky notes that had information about what we appreciate about UUAA and determined our foundation –  Our basic values, and the characteristics of UUAA that make us uniquely who we are today. This is a foundational step toward our vision.



 -- Another group looked for statements that noted strengths we could use to make changes at UUAA and how those strengths could help determine what our key activities should be:




 -- A group looked through responses to several vision questions to find the ways people thought we could expand or modify our current ministries to have greater impact within our congregation. How might we go bigger, deeper?



 -- And a group looked through responses that spoke to ways our ministries could have greater impact outside our walls, in the greater community. How might we increase our impact?




And from all of the sticky notes that spoke to what we would like to become, we distilled statements indicating what our future should look like:



 View the full January 26th Theory of Change.


What Comes Next?

At our January 26th Congregational Meeting we started on the process of getting the congregation's reactions to and suggested modifications to the Theory of Change. Two main areas of engagement were identified as missing-- Immigration Action and recognition/support to people with non-conforming gender identities. These will be added.

The congregation has been involved in prioritizing the areas of engagement within the congregation and separately the areas of engagement in the community. Those results will be posted soon.


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