Music is an integral part of worship at UUAA, whether the mood is joyous, or contemplative. It is as varied as the cultures, beliefs and walks of life that make up our congregation. Come add your voice to the community of voices that comprise our UUAA voice.

Music at UUAA provides spiritually fulfilling musical experiences for all - musicians, congregants, worship leaders, and community members. As a large congregation, UUAA has multiple ensembles that contribute to worship on a regular basis: the Chalice Singers, the Chalice Sparks, and the Chalice Bells.

For details about any of the music ministries at UUAA, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Chalice Singers

Photo of the Chalice Singers and Glen Thomas

The Chalice Singers, our congregation’s adult choir with more than 60 members, bring music from myriad religions and cultures to Sunday morning worship twice a month. The ensemble’s leadership role in worship is evident as it provides a foundation for congregational singing and offers a variety of anthems that enhance the overall worship experience for all involved.

Rehearsals: Thursdays from 7:30 - 9:15 in the Fahs Chapel, late August - May

Open Enrollment: August and January (as space allows)

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Useful Links for Current Chalice Singers:

  • To access the current schedule and repertoire for rehearsals, singing Sundays, and other special events, click here
  • To report an absence for rehearsal or singing Sundays, click here.  If at all possible, please report absences as far in advance as you able. If a last minute emergency comes up (e.g. immediately prior to a rehearsal, you may email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.g).


The Chalice Sparks


(Not meeting during the pandemic precautions)

The Chalice Sparks is the choir for 3rd – 8th graders at UUAA. The group meets weekly to develop musicianship and performance skills, build lasting friendships, and prepare musical offerings for Sunday worship services.

Rehearsals: Sunday mornings between services (10:40 - 11:20 am), September - May

Open enrollment: Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if interested

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Chalice Bells

chalice-sparks-1The Chalice Bells, UUAA’s handbell choir, brings an added dimension to the musical experiences of the congregation in worship. The Chalice Bells prepare repertoire for special or holiday services, and also collaborates with the Chalice Singers and Chalice Sparks.

Rehearsals: Sunday evenings, 6 – 7:30 pm in the Jackson Chapel, October – May, with a short break in January.

Open enrollment: Contact theresa rohlck if interested; new handbell ringers, from high school age on up, are welcome to join in September or January, as space allows.   No prior handbell experience is necessary but ringers must be able to read music (preferably both treble and bass clefs) and feel rhythmically secure.  Because of the collaborative nature of handbell playing, a commitment to weekly attendance at rehearsals is required.

Contact: Chalice Bells director theresa rohlck at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Chalice Singers, Chalice Sparks, and Chalice Bells photos by Steve Kuzma


In addition to these ensembles, worship is enhanced by the talents of our Director of Music, our Pianist-in-Residence, our Chalice Sparks director, our Chalice Bells director, our volunteer percussionists, and by invited guest musicians from the community as well as from within our congregation.


Read about our wonderful music directors on our staff page.



Instrumentalists and Vocalists

In addition to the larger ensembles at UUAA, we are always looking for instrumentalists and vocalists who are interested in contributing to worship as soloists or in small ensembles. We benefit from the rich talent of local world-class guest musicians, as well from those within the congregation with musical gifts to offer.

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Music News

Stay up to date by subscribing to our Music News email newsletter. In addition to events held at UUAA, the newsletter will also update you on musical activities our congregants are involved in, as well as in events held by other organizations in the area that are relevant to UUAA.

Complete and submit the subscription form below or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name and email address to be added to the Music News email newsletter list.

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