

Make your pledge online

Download a printable 2022 pledge form

Download Instructions for Realm Pledge Setup

Download the Fall 2021 Pledge Drive Letter

Make a payment using a bank or credit card account






We live in unusual times. Last year we began our annual stewardship letter with this sentence. It seems to be appropriate again this year.

So much has changed, but some things remain the same, notably, our congregation’s commitment of service to others. You can explore these web pages to see the many ways we support our outside community and each other. Our congregation is thriving even as it it comes back to life-- both in person and with continuing virtual gatherings.

October is the kickoff month for our Annual Pledge Drive. Sunday services will feature members and friends who want to share their story of what this congregation means to them and why they make room in their budget for UUAA. What does UUAA mean to you?

We are just beginning to take actions together on our Vision 20/50 priorities of

  • Radical Welcome
  • Climate Justice
  • Anti-Racism/Anti Oppression

And we have been building our live streaming capabilities, our SGD program, and working on finding appropriate staffing levels. We have much to work on!

This year’s goal is $1,150.000. You are invited and encouraged to make your financial commitment for 2022 taking into consideration all the good work you are supporting here at UUAA. You might consider increasing your pledge by $1/day= $365/year over your last pledge.

The power of “WE” is much greater than the power of “ONE”.


Our Sunday, September 26th service featured a powerful sermon from our UUAA administrator, Ed Lynn, on how our congregation can live into our Vision. Pledge Drive chair, Beth Hospadaruk inspired us for Building Our Vision, the theme of this year's pledge drive. In case you missed this very inspiring service, you use the link below to view it (or re-view it!).

Where Do We Go From Here?
