Visits to Our Partner Church and Unitarian Sites in Hungary and Transylvania

Over thirty UUAA congregation members and friends have traveled to visit our Partner Church in Kézdivásárhely since we became partners in 1997.  We have made lasting friendships with our partners and others along the way.  Generally we begin in Budapest, Hungary, and then travel into Romania to Kolozsvar, the headquarters of the Transylvanian Unitarian Church.  Our partners live in the southeastern part of the country, so we stop at interesting places as we move along to them.  Here are some photos from our trips.


August 2018--led by Phyllis Valentine

Seven UUAA congregants visited our partners in Kezdivasarhely and helped celebrate the 450th anniversary of the Edict of Torda, a declaration of tolerance.

Koloszvar David Francis rock




















A photo summary of the 2018 trip can be viewed following this link...


June 2014 - Led by Phyllis Valentine

Six UUAA church members, 3 returning and 3 new travelers, again followed a simplified route which allowed for a longer stay with our Partner Church families and more time in our minister’s home village. This link leads to more photos of this trip.
















July 2011 -  Led by former Assistant Minister Rev. Mark Evens

Seven UUAA church members, led by Rev. Mark, followed a simplified route, staying longer at certain places for an in-depth look at church archives. This link will take you to more photos of this trip.














May 2008 - Led by interim minister Rev. David Keyes

Eighteen UUAA congregants and friends, including our then Interim Minister, the Rev. David Keyes, traveled to Budapest and into Transylvania in May, visiting major Unitarian sites and church archives, and spent a weekend with our Partner Church congregation in Kézdivásárhely.  The Reverend Maria Pap, minister of our partner church and Reverend Robert Balint of a Romanian Unitarian church are shown below guiding our First UU of Ann Arbor tour group. This link takes you to more photos of this trip.
