Our 2022 service videos are available on this page--

Or if you would like to revisit excerpts from the services, you can explore these Youtube playlists for stories and music.

storiesIconStories for All Ages Playlist   MusicListIconMusic and Singing Playlist


May 2022 Services

May 1st - Living into UUAA’s Humanist Legacy: The Wisdom of Roy Wood Sellars & James Luther Adams in Dialogue



April 2022 Services


 April 24th - Earth Day Dirt Communion


April 17th - Our Great Commission: Unitarian Universalism’s Hope and Possibility for Generations to Come


April 10th - Awakening to Ourselves: Mindful Buddhist Practices


 April 3rd - Living Into Radical Welcome




March 2022 Services


 March 27th - (Trans)lating Joy




 March 20th - Faith as Story: The Narratives that Inspire Us



 March 13th - Faith in Action: Our Shared Journey During the Pandemic



 March 6th - Reclaiming the Faith that is Ours



February 2022 Services


 February 27th - Widening the Circle



 February 20th - Heartwork - Being a Spirit in the World - with special guest Mark Nepo



 February 13th - What’s Your/Our Love Story?



 February 6th - reflections on UUAA commitments to building a world free of racism and oppression



January 2022 Services


 January 30th - The Things We Ponder: Our Annual Question Box Service


Youth, YRUU, and Adult Questions, 9:30am and 11:30am



 January 23rd - Shortened service before our congregational meeting



 January 16th - The Peace and Justice-Building Legacy of MLK



January 9th - Every Moment, Every Encounter: Intention-Filled



January 2nd - Begin in Stillness





December 2021 Christmas Eve Services


[The December 26th service was a Zoom gathering and was not recorded.]


Dec 24th 9pm Christmas Eve Service - The Work of Christmas



Dec 24th - 4pm Christmas Eve Service and Pageant for all ages





To our creative and adaptable Worship Team and to Mike Halerz for his amazing production skills!

A few screen captures from our online services...

Rev. Manish Mishra-MarzettiRev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti, Senior Minister   Rev. Cassandra HartleyRev. Cassandra Hartley, Asst. Minister   Allison HallerzAllison Halerz, Pianist in Residence theresa rohlckreverend theresa rohlck, Congregational Chaplain & Director of the Chalice Bells Handbell Choir  Dire














 Mike Halerz Mike Halerz, Producer and Tech Wizard