Videotaped sermons are for your viewing pleasure. All rights reserved by the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor and/or the individual speakers.


May 17, 2015 - Service of Commissioning for our Next 150 Years

Keynote speaker, Rev. Vanessa Southern



May 16, 2015 - Panel Discussion on the Dawning Future of UU and UUAA

Moderated by Rev. Tom Schade; Panel participants: Rev Sue Phillips, Dr Glen Thomas Rideout, Rev Meg Riley, Rev Tandi Rogers, Rev Don Southworth, Rev Leslie Takahashi



March 8, 2015 - Selma -  Inside Brown Chapel

 Presented by Rev Gail Geisenhainer, Senior Minister, Rev Mark Evens, Associate Minister and Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Director of Music.


March 1, 2015 - The Art of the "Matter"

Presented by Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Director of Music, First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor




February 15, 2015 - Revere the Past

Presented by Rev. Dr. Kenneth W. Phifer, our Minister Emeritus, who joined us for our February 15th "Our Story" Sunday to share the history of our congregation from the end of World War II to 2005. Ken was our senior minister for 25 of those years from 1980 to 2005.