Current Bylaws
Current Governing Policies

The Governance Committee (Governance Advisory Team) is a standing committee that advises and assists the Board of Trustees on governance matters.They are also charged with helping educate the congregation about how UUAA shared leadership works. You can contact the Governance Advisory Team by clicking on this link.

 Current members of the team are: Paul Morris, Tom Reischl and Sandy Simon

Our bylaws state:

 There shall be a standing Committee on Governance which is charged with advising and educating the Board on governance issues.


The Governance Committee shall consist of from three to five (3-5) Full Members selected by the Board of Trustees to serve staggered terms. The President shall be an ex officio member of the Committee without vote.


The term of each Governance Committee member shall be three years. No Committee member shall serve more than two terms (6 years) consecutively.


The Governance Committee shall assist the Board in ensuring sound governance. The Committee shall be responsible for the following:

2.2.1 Overseeing Board and Congregation education with respect to Bylaws and Governing Policies;

2.2.2 Recommending to the Board revisions to the UUAA’s governing documents;

2.2.3 Performing such other functions pertaining to governance as requested by the Board of Trustees;

2.2.4 Providing an annual report to the Board regarding the fulfillment of the Committee's responsibilities.