chaliceandflowers“… this is our covenant with each other: to dwell together in peace, to search for truth in love, and to help one another…


 In our fairly large congregation, you might at times run into a problem that you aren't sure how to solve. Please read on to decide who you should contact.

For routine "how do I get this done?" issues like room reservations and social hall tables, etc, please try checking this how-to resource page for guidance.

If you need to talk to the staff person who oversees a particular area, you may want to consult this staff organization chart to make sure who to talk to. Rev. Cassandra Hartley oversees operations policies and procedures.

If you have a question or suggestion involving UUAA governing policies or strategic goals, you should speak with a Board of Trustees member.


You might find that you have a more complex problem, like a relationship issue with a congregant or staff member or that you have a difficulty that involves UUAA processes and procedures. There are three lay teams that are focused on making sure we have a healthy and supportive environment at UUAA.

Living Our Values (LOV) Team for relationship issues

Shared Ministries Team (SMT) for issues that involve UUAA processes and procedures and

Music Ambassadors (MA) Team that can answer questions and receive feedback that is specific to our large and varied music programs.

Although the SMT focuses on operational policies, processes, and communication, there is often overlap with interpersonal relationships which would normally be handled by the LOV Team. Both teams will be working together as closely as is needed, taking joint action when that is helpful for the UUAA community. The music program MA Team also overlaps and collaborates with LOV and SMT when needed.



Shared Ministries Team (SMT)

The purpose of the lay-staffed Shared Ministries Team is to support and nurture the health of the congregation and its many thriving ministries, with a primary focus on operational policies, processes, and communication.

The primary goal of the SMT is to receive, reflect on, and directly respond to feedback from the congregation, including feedback related to the professional and lay staff of the congregation, the congregation’s policies, and its ministries and programs. The SMT will serve as an open channel in responding to feedback, questions, or the need for additional information that may arise in our increasingly complex organization, in particular paying attention to areas/issues where it may become apparent that there is a significant critical mass of congregational interest.

At times, the SMT may wish to survey the congregation and staff to actively solicit feedback on a particular topic, but it is anticipated that most congregational feedback will be in the form of email, phone calls, and personal communications with the SMT and/or the congregation’s staff.

The SMT works collaboratively with the staff to find a way forward on issues that warrant an adjustment of congregational policies or processes, and provide clarifying information to inquiring parties when such would be helpful.

Use this link to read the February, 2020 Charge to the Shared Ministries Team.

Current SMT Members

The current members of the Shared Ministries Team are Laura Bollettino (chair), Jim Breck, Bob Hospadaruk, Elizabeth LaPorte, and Arika Lycan. (Updated Dec, 2021)

Members of the SMT are selected by the Senior Minister, who consults with the leadership of the Board of Trustees and the current Chair of the SMT.

Use this link to contact the Shared Ministries Team (SMT) .


Living Our Values (LOV) Team

The purpose of the lay-staffed LOV Team is to serve as partners in building, maintaining, and repairing congregational relationships to ensure that we are living in alignment with our UUAA covenant. They work to strengthen the shared covenant-based fabric of our community.

 The LOV Team is committed to supporting and nurturing healthy, right relationship* by:

  • Providing proactive, skills-building activities as workshops, seminars, and discussion circles that promote covenant-based relationship in the absence of harm or conflict.
  • Addressing potential or actual harm in the moment, serving as proactive bystanders and reminders of healthy covenant and mutual care.
  • Serving as facilitators and guides who assist/support the conversation, healing, re-committal to covenant, and affirmation of love & care that is sometimes needed after harm has been caused.

Use this link to read the February, 2020 Charge to the LOV Team.

Current LOV Team Leadership

Ken Clein (chair), Cynthia Dunitz, Mark Jagner, Gregg Peterson, Spencer Thomas, debita graham, Susie Thompson, John Kasab, Cristy Cardinal, QuianaDenae Perkins, Rev Manish
(updated  October, 2021)

Use this link to contact the LOV Team.


Music Ambassador Team (MA)

The purpose of the lay-staffed Music Ambassadors (MA) Team is to support our broader UUAA community on matters related to UUAA’s music ministries, support UUAA’s music communities, and support the Director of Music Ministries.

Honoring the spirit of covenant, MA Team members will hold these primary responsibilities:

  1. serving our broader UUAA community as a resource in responding to questions or feedback related to UUAA’s music ministries; and
  2. supporting the Director of Music Ministries with specific music program logistical and/or communication needs, as team members’ capacity allows and as invited by the Director of Music Ministries..

Use this link to read the full December, 2021 Charge to the Music Ambassadors Team.

Current MA Team Members

The members of the MA Team are selected by the Director of Worship and Music.

Current members are Jim McCargar and Kristin LeSueur (co-chairs), Priscilla Spencer and Deana Shields

Use this link to contact the Music Ambassadors Team (MA Team) .



* "Right relations exist within a group when its members share a sense of fellowship in an atmosphere of trust, respect and cooperation.  Group members accept responsibility for their actions, openly share information and listen and clarify what they hear; they let others have their say, respect boundaries and confidentiality, refrain from harmful gossip about others, speak honestly and bring to light concerns about things which threaten the health of the congregation.    When conflicts or differences of opinion arise, the group works to manage or resolve them through compromise or consensus." Drawn/adapted from:  Sample Covenant of Right Relations,(From UU Faithworks Shared by Rev. Deborah Mero, Interim Minister (2000-2002), All Souls Church Unitarian Universalist (UU) Brattleboro, VT) Maintaining Right Relations: Expectations and Remedies, Adopted 5/6/01 (