Treasurer - Roles and Responsibilities

Updated Sept, 2017

In addition to those qualities and attributes desired of all members of the Board, per Congregational Bylaws, (Article VI. Officers and Governing Body, Section 3.4, p. 9): The Treasurer shall see to it that the financial records of the Congregation are maintained in good order. The responsibilities of the Treasurer shall include, but not be limited to:

3.4.1. Advising the Congregation, the Board of Trustees and other groups of financial aspects and implications of proposed actions;

3.4.2. Summarizing financial statements and interpreting financial data as the Board of Trustees may require; and

3.4.3. Ensuring financial transparency in conveying financial information to the Congregation.

In addition, the Treasurer is a signer on all Congregational financial accounts, (e.g., operational and endowment), signs checks as needed, and:

  • Reviews and forwards a Summary Report from the Senior Minister or staff designee to the Board President, which will be included with the Board of Trustees Consent agenda for monthly business meeting.
  • Collaborates with the Senior Minister or staff designee on financial issues, as needed.
  • Assists the Board President, and others with improving understanding about UUAA finances among the Board of Trustees.


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