...  To a faith with the power to transform lives and change the world.   ...  To a faith that can sustain and enrich the next chapter of your life.

January 2020 UUAA Winter Congregational Meeting and Vision Design

We will have our Winter Congregational Meeting on Sunday January 26, 2020, at 11:30 am in the Phifer Sanctuary.

This year there are two parts to the meeting. A short business meeting will be followed by a facilitated Vision 20/50 meeting.

Food will be available in the Social Hall starting at 10:45am. Child care is available for infants and toddlers. Children over 5 and youth are invited to take part in the all-ages meeting.

Important Note: Our Vision 20/50 facilitator has serious allergies that can trigger a trip to the Emergency Room. To help keep her safe, please:

-- don’t use any colognes, perfumes, or scented deodorants, lotions,or soaps (especially anything citrus or flower scented)

-- if you are in doubt as to whether you are wearing something that falls into these categories please do not get in close physical proximity to Elandria.

-- don't bring any snacks to the meeting, food will be provided in the Social Hall

Thank you!! We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this important health issue


Agenda and Materials

Business Meeting ----

Welcome and Overview

Chalice Lighting

Approval of Agenda for Meeting

Vote to approve January 2019 Minutes

Download the Minutes of the January 13, 2019 Winter Congregational Meeting

Budget / Stone Soup update

Vote to become the sponsoring congregation for theresa rohlck's ordination

Download an Absentee ballot for ordination of theresa rohlck

Download the Absentee Voting Procedures

View a FAQ Sheet for theresa rohlck Ordination Vote

Suspend Robert's Rules

Continue with Vision 20/50 activities

Vision Design -----------

View the Theory of Change - for Vision Discussion and Prioritization Vote

  Welcome and Overview

Welcome – Elandria Williams and Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti

Song – Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout

Review agenda together - Elandria Williams

How we got here and overall plan – 20/50 Leadership Team

Theory of Change

What is a Theory of Change? - Elandria Williams/ *Facilitation Team 

Theory of Change overview – 20/50 Leadership Team

Theory of Change reflections - Facilitation Team 

Affirmation of Current Theory of Change (will be ongoing) - Elandria Williams

Congregational Assessment 

Different rooms in the building are set up to allow you to react to the Theory of Change and express your ideas for what impact you want the congregation to have practically-- what activities UUAA should be doing and what might get in the way.  Choose a room with an activity that works best for you.

[Back in sanctuary ]

Pair and Group Reflections 

Small group or pair sharing – Facilitation Team 

Large group reflections – 30 seconds to 1 minute each – Facilitation Team 

Next Steps and Closing 

Next Steps– Facilitation Team 

Closing song- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout

Closing words

[Download/ view/ print the agenda in PDF format]

*The facilitation team includes Rev. Dr. Lisa Presley, Congregational Life Consultant, MidAmerica Region and Rev. Carleton Smith, Congregational Life Staff, Southern Region


Vision Materials

During the meeting, we will all be interacting with the "Theory of Change" document and we will be voting on priorities for the sections called "UUAA Community Engagement" and "UUAA Inside the Congregation". It might help you to read those sections ahead of time to know how you wish to vote.

View the Theory of Change - for Vision Discussion and Prioritization Vote

If you would like to read more about our Vision 20/50 project and how data was collected and analyzed, follow this link.