Communications Committee

Meets via Zoom

The Communications Committee, chaired by Kimberly Ellerthorpe, meets monthly with the Communications Ministry Specialist to advise and create communications policy and resources for UUAA.
Read the 2021 charge to the committee here. If you have questions, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Website Team (Internet Technologies Group)

When: 2nd Sunday of each month via Zoom
Where: UUAA building
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Internet Technologies Group (web team) provides technical expertise for the web site. They work with the UUAA staff to facilitate website and mailing list communication among members of the congregation and to present information about our congregation to visitors to our web site. The group provides the primary technical maintenance for the website and also serves as a visionary group, looking for new uses of the web site and new ideas for using Internet technologies to serve the interests of the UUAA community. Members of the group have varying skill sets that include web development, writing, photography and graphic design. They are always learning from each other and always happy for new ideas.

Upcoming meetings: The Internet Technologies Working Group meets the second Sunday of the month via Zoom. We would be happy to have you join us regardless of your web skills.


 Audio Operations Group [not during pandemic]

When: Sunday morning during services
Where: UUAA building

The goal of the Audio Operations Group is to provide staffing for the Sanctuary’s audio system for Sunday Services, and other functions held there (memorial services, lectures, etc.) whenever possible. We don’t hold regular meetings, but may occasionally get together to discuss operational problems or review procedures. New volunteers are generally trained on-the-job by working with one of the “regulars” during a Sunday Service or two. Duties generally consist of turning the system ON (and OFF) placing microphones where needed, recording the services on cassette tape and, at the moment, recording the sermons on MP3 for the Website Committee’s use. The Sanctuary sound system also is used to feed sound into the Social Hall, either from the Sanctuary Service or by using the wireless microphones. We also assist in providing audio devices upon request. We are always looking for volunteers.


Office Volunteers [not during pandemic]

The UUAA office is a busy place that occasionally needs volunteer help.

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer.


Sunday Service Volunteers [not during pandemic]

Sunday volunteer positions include greeting, ushering, conducting newcomer sessions, staffing the Involvement Table, and running the audio equipment.All of these volunteer positions are a wonderful way to get to know other congregants and visitors. Typically, people commit to one or two services a month so the time commitment is minimal but the rewards are great.

Contact Welcoming Ministries Coordinator,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer.