Annual Meeting June 4, 2017, 11:30 am

Our 2017 annual meeting and election of officers took place on June 4, 2017 in the Phifer Sanctuary.

To view the 2016-17 Annual Report as a single PDF document, click here.

To view the minutes from the 2017 Annual Meeting, click here.



  Proposed Rules of Procedure

  Minutes of the June 5, 2016 Annual Congregational Meeting

  Items requiring a vote by UUAA Members (please study ahead of the meeting):

       Nominees for UUAA Officers, at large Board of Trustees and Leadership Development Team

       Nominees for Senior Minister Search Committee (vote for 4)

       Amendment to Bylaws establishing a Standing Committee on Governance - proposed wording and rationale

 Sanctuary Information: There will not be a vote about becoming a sanctuary church at this time, but information will be presented. You can read:

      An FAQ sheet about becoming a sanctuary congregation

      A draft resolution for UUAA to become a sanctuary congregation






The 2016-17 Annual Report of
The First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor

The annual report is electronic. Each of the links below display a PDF formatted section of the annual report. If a link is missing or not active the report was not submitted.

To view or download a single document with all reports in it, click here.


UUAA Staff and Leadership

       Listing of Board of Trustees and Staff

       Senior Minister Report

       Board of Trustees Report

       Leadership Development Team Report

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Growth and Development

       Chalice Singers Choir / Chalice Bells

Chalice Sparks

       Chalice Circles

       Well-Being Education

Social Justice and Environmental Action

Social Justice Council

Alpha House / IHN

Challenging Racism

Climate Action Group

       Coffee Project

Habitat for Humanity

       Immigration Action

Justice in the Middle East Team

Mindful Eating Coalition

Prison Books

       Restorative Justice

       Sharing the Collection


        Arts and Aesthetics

        Bridge Group

        Community of Writers

Humanist Group

       Internet Technology Group 

       Memorial Reception

       Mens Fellowship

       Northside UUs

       Wednesday Morning Readers

       Welcome Ministries


       Annual Pledge Drive

       Planned Giving

       Quuest Book Store

       Scrip Sales

       Treasurer Assistants



       Jackson Social Welfare Fund

        Khasi Hills Sponsor a Student 

       Partner Church Program

       Reflective Conversations