The 2017-18 UUAA Annual Meeting

Our 2018 annual meeting and election of officers took place June 3, 2018 at 11:45 am in the Phifer Sanctuary.

To view the Annual Report in one PDF document click on this link.

To view the Minutes from the 2018 Annual Meeting click on this link.



Meeting Agenda

Proposed Rules of Procedure

Minutes of the June 4, 2017 Annual Congregational Meeting

Final Report of the 2017-18 Ministerial Search Committee


Slate for the Board of Trustees

The proposed BOT slate is:
Rick Witten (Secretary)
Terry Madden (at large)
Vilma Mesa (at-large)
Mark Doman (at large)
Laura Bolletino (currently a member at large, running for a 2nd term transitioning to Vice President)


Candidates for the Leadership Development Team

There is one open position on the LDT. Two candidates are running for this position:
Cristy Cardinal
Patricio Herbst





The 2017-18 Annual Report of
The First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor

The annual report is electronic. Each of the links below display a PDF formatted section of the annual report. If a link is missing or not active the report was not submitted.

 To view the Annual Report in one PDF document click on this link.

UUAA Staff and Leadership

Spiritual Life

Social Justice and Environmental Action


