The Racial Justice Arc (RJA) is an inclusive, affirming group where all are welcome. RJA is dedicated to pursuing racial justice and fighting oppressive cultural structures affecting people of color. Our work is driven by Unitarian Universalist Principles and is guided by UUAA’s 20/50 Visioning work. As the center of our UUAA anti-racism work, we will organize, implement, and delegate a variety of activities. We will act, learn, share authentically, and encourage each other to challenge white supremacy behaviors and cultural structures in the fight for racial justice. RJA will partner with groups internal and external to our congregation in order to increase our effectiveness and to amplify our collective voices.

UUAA's Racial Justice Arc (RJA) formed in September 2020 as a natural continuation of the Challenging Racism Group, whose work came to a close.

For more information or meeting dates, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Racial Justice Arc has created resources to help UUAA congregants engage with anti-racism and anti-oppression.

View or download Some Actions UUs Can Take to Support Anti-racism

View or download Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression Resources for Families

View or download some "Talking Points" on Critical Race Theory for UUAA members who find themselves wanting to engage with neighbors, acquaintances, or school board leaders faced with challenges to teaching historical truths about race history in the classroom. Themes covered include these: All are concerned about the emotional well being of children. An educated citizenry is necessary for the survival of our democracy and a free people. We need to know the whole truth of our history in order to function in an increasingly diverse workplace and society. Teachers deserve our support.