Restorative Justice at UUAA focuses on working toward a more healing, balanced, and restorative justice system through raising community awareness of victim offender conferencing, peacemaking circles and diversion programs in our community and courts.

We are a project-based group meeting once a month on fourth Wednesdays at 4:10 pm ET. (Check the UUAA Calendar)

If you need additional information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

We have two major focuses for our group.

Promotion of Restorative Justice

We work for a more healing and fair justice system and community through:

  • Showing films like Healing Justice; Prison Within (2020 film).

  • Promoting training in mediation, circle-keeping, and Victim Offender Conferencing through The Dispute Resolution Center
  • Offering forums and discussions to promote opportunities to support those incarcerated.
  • Promotion of books on restorative justice (e.g.: The Little Books of: Restorative Justice, Victim Offender Conferencing, Circle Processes, Restorative Justice for People in Prison; Colorizing Restorative Justice.


Prison Ministry

We advocate for restorative practices in place of retributive and punitive sentencing. And offer opportunities to work with those currently incarcerated or with those who have been released from incarceration. Our group collaborates with the Friends of Restorative Justice of Washtenaw County and the Dispute Resolution Center and the Peace Keeping Circle Court to promote justice, reparation, and resolution for the community, the survivors of harm and for those who caused the harm.

For more information about Friends of Restorative Justice of Washtenaw County please click on this link to the webpage.

These links to additional organizations provide more information on current prison and jail initiatives:

The Safe & Just Michigan Youtube channel provides a series of webinars

A story on the St. Paul Unity Unitarian Church first time offenders "restorative circles"

A Josh Hoe YouTube video explores why "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" is a total failure: 

This link takes you to the website for the IMPACT / JUSTICE Restorative Justice Project


For more information:

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your questions or interest.

If you are a UUAA members registered on Realm, you can find the Restorative Justice Group on Realm


