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The 2019-20 UUAA Annual Meeting

Our 2020 Annual Meeting and election of officers took place on Sunday, May 31st at 11:30 am, via Zoom. The slate of officers was elected unanimously. 

Meeting Materials


Proposed Rules of Procedure

Minutes of the 2019 Annual Congregational Meeting

       Congregational Vision (report to the congregation from the Vision 20/50 Leadership Team)

       UUAA Mission, Vision and Purpose- draft


Board and Leadership Development Team Candidates

LauraJohnstoneLaura Johnstone – Vice President

I’ve been a UUAA member for about two years. After coming “off the road” in my professional life, I am grateful that my wife of 40 years (Cynthia Dunitz) and I have found our home in this community. My involvement thus far includes the Friday Fun Night team, the Auction Committee, the Unity Group, Forum Ministries, New Member Welcome team, Vision 20/50 Leadership and Communications teams, and Chalice Circle Topics Writing team as well as active ongoing support with the Alpha House group. Professionally I’ve served as the Communications Director for two large companies, but found my true activist calling with the Service Employees International Union as communicator for many campaigns and then as International Representative serving in a variety of capacities in the Midwest, including Legislative Liaison for campaigns, Interim Chief of Staff, and Deputy Trustee, with Nursing Home Workers, Nurses, Janitors, Public School Employees and others. Our Principles and Covenant resonate powerfully with me. I’m committed to strengthening our beloved community, and to creating actions that move our principles from self, to community, to the greater world around us.




RickWittenRick Witten - Secretary

I joined UUAA along with my wife, Bobbi Coluni, shortly before we were married here by Ken Phifer in the summer of 1999. UUAA has been integral to our lives over the past two decades, as we’ve grown together and raised our daughter, Ellie, here.

Over the years I have been involved with our Men’s programs, and with our youth program. The men’s retreats and fellowship with my UU brothers provide inspiration, connection and many good memories. I deeply value our youth programs, such as OWL, Coming of Age and YRUU. Being on teacher teams and a mentor in COA have allowed me to contribute to our youth, as they have contributed to my life and personal growth. These programs have been very meaningful for my daughter as well, and I’m so grateful for the influence this community has had in nurturing her.

Music is front and center at UUAA, and I feel fortunate for the experience of being a member of our Chalice Singers under Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout. I’m also proud to have helped the Chalice Sparks children’s choir to flourish. 

It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as the Secretary of the Board for the past two years. I’ve enjoyed working with our Board members and Senior Minister, as we’ve addressed significant challenges together. With your approval, I look forward to helping navigate through these challenging times toward brighter days to come.


KathEdgrenKatherine (Kathy) Edgren – Trustee At Large

This Congregation has been an integral part of my life since my husband, John, and I joined shortly after the move to the new building. Serving four years on the Leadership Development Team, singing in the choir, visiting a member from the age of 97-104, working with Farmer Bill, being a part of the Community of Writers and Examining Whiteness, getting petitions signed to enhance voting accessibility, Chalice Circles and more, are all experiences that provided chances to work for social justice, expand my skills and interests, and get to know more wonderful people.

Having been raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan in the Christian Reformed Church, I especially appreciate the warmth, openness, and sense of inclusion I experience at UUAA. I also like to be challenged intellectually, and to walk away from services with ideas to chew on.

Trained as a social worker in community organizing at U of M, I am currently enjoying retirement. In my work life I raised money for the ACLU, was a project manager on multi-million dollar research and intervention projects in Detroit, served as Division Director and managed a department at University Health Service, and served three terms as an Ann Arbor City Councilmember. I have worked with adults with serious mental illnesses, with families suffering with asthma, and with college students. I am also a poet with two chapbooks and one book. I have two grown children and three—soon to be four—grandchildren.


GlenHarrisGlenn Harris – Trustee At Large

I’ve been a congregation member for five-plus years, after attending for some years prior to that; I’ve served as a mentor in the ‘Coming of Age’ program (3 years) and participated in Habitat work projects. I am currently a member of the Men’s Council as well as of the 12th Men’s Circle, and I learned much from my work as a Vision 20/50 project ambassador.

I’m a husband (married in our building, July, 2012), a father, a grandfather; professionally, I’m an educator, a writing instructor, and since 2002 have been on the English faculty of Mott Community College in Flint.

After an early life as the son and brother, cousin and nephew, of ministers--low church, evangelical--and then after many years disconnected from religious community, I am now deeply grateful for this congregation, for its ministers, and for the spiritual home and centering it has provided for me. I will be honored to do what I can to serve this congregation and community, to promote the values of this faith, and to help this congregation thrive far into the future.



GreggPetersonGregg Peterson –Trustee At Large

I am honored to be considered for membership on the UAAA Board of Trustees. I’ve participated widely in the life of this congregation since moving to Ann Arbor with my wife and daughter over 11 years ago.  We left many dear friends and family members in Chicago, including our UU friends at Second Unitarian Church, the congregation where we first discovered this amazing faith tradition 18 years ago. I was a trustee on the board at “2U” just before being recruited for a new job here in Michigan.

Since joining UUAA, my family and I have been nourished by all that this congregation has to offer -- warm friendships, inspiring services, an amazing community of musicians, small-group ministries (I’m a member of the 7th men’s circle), many opportunities for spiritual growth and development, and the chance to serve this congregation. In my time here I have been an SGD teacher, a member of the SGD Council, a coming-of-age mentor, a planner and leader in the activities of the men’s fellowship, including most recently, Chair of the Men’s Council, a member of the newly formed LOV (Living Our Values) team, and a proud member of the bass section in the Chalice Singers choir.

In my professional life, I’m an Associate Director in the Survey Research Operations unit at Michigan’s Institute for Social Research. When I’m not working or spending time with all of you, I love to make photographs and hand-crafted books, and have recently begun writing and telling my own stories. 





Dawn Salo – Leadership Development Team, Elected Position

My name is Dawn M. Salo. I moved to Ann Arbor in September 2017 from Phoenix, AZ. I became a member of UUAA June 17, 2018. I have ushered first Sundays during the second service for the past two years. I've enjoyed being an usher, as I get to meet our congregants as they enter the sanctuary. I have participated in Chalice Circles, the Community of Writers, volunteered with our Habitat crew, worked with the Chalice Circle Curriculum Writing Team and enrolled in other spiritual development programs at UUAA. I love this church and the commitment to the Unitarian Universalist movement. 






The 2019-20 Annual Report

First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor

Banner 2019 20


The annual report is electronic.

Use this link to view/ download the combined report that includes all of the reports show below.

Each of the links below display one PDF formatted section of the annual report. If a link is missing or not active the report was not submitted.


In Memoriam 2019-20


UUAA Staff and Leadership

Spiritual Life

Social Justice and Environmental Action


