SolarPanelTeam11 5 2010UUAA is very fortunate to have many skilled energy project volunteers -- and many generous donors. Thank you!


You can help us move toward 100% renewable energy by making a tax-exempt donation (or pledge) to our Sustainability Project today.


You can donate any amount, but a gift of $500 will purchase one 60-cell solar panel. Your purchase will include a tile for our "Energy Plaza" as well.

Together, we can harness sustainable natural power to help meet our basic energy needs at UUAA.

Click this link to view and print a donation form.

Fill out the form and mail it with your check or credit card information to the UUAA office, 4001 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, Ann Arbor, 48108.

Questions? Look for the renewable energy table in the social hall, or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Some of the cool benefits of the sustainable power project are

Educational opportunities – web-based internet monitoring of each piece of equipment makes it possible for all congregants as well as neighbors and the community-at-large to learn about the church’s use of wind and solar energy; SGD classes can participate, gain experience and help UUAA to contribute to the dynamic, sustainable and diverse energy future we are part of.


Elimination of fossil fuel dependence – by improving efficiencies inside the church and capturing both air currents and the sun’s rays as Earth revolves, a steadily increasing percentage of the electricity used by the church will come from “free fuels,” replacing historic use of non-renewables.


Visibility and outreach – as landmark architectural features, the solar panel arrays and attractive small wind turbine are indicative of the  widespread emerging focus on renewable and alternative energy. Well-landscaped and located on the rooftop and near the entrance of UUAA, the  project adds inscribed tiles to the Energy Plaza, commemorating donors and sustainability for all who visit.


Savings – in monthly operating expenses, the solar and wind generators provide both immediate and long-term offset of the electrical bills of UUAA, while also encouraging conservation efforts and the continued development of more “R.E.” initiatives here and elsewhere.


We are lowering our carbon footprint and raising our environmental consciousness.
