...  To a faith with the power to transform lives and change the world.   ...  To a faith that can sustain and enrich the next chapter of your life.

President - Roles and Responsibilities

Updated September 2017

  • Ensures the integrity of the UUAA Board of Trustee processes, and represents the board to Congregants and outside parties.
  • Ensures the board behaves consistently with its own rules, covenants, Congregational Values, UU Principles, and rules legitimately imposed upon it from UUA, and local, state and federal laws.
  • Decides what issues brought before the Board clearly belong to the Board to decide, recognizing some issues may be best addressed by the Senior Minister or the Congregation as a whole.
  • Facilitates meetings and deliberations in a fair, open and thorough manner, but also timely, orderly, and kept to the point.
  • Sets the agenda in consultation with the Senior Minister and other members of the board, presides at all business meetings of the Congregation, including regular board meetings, annual and special meetings.
  • Organizes and sets the agenda for an annual Board retreat, typically held at the beginning of the board term or whenever necessary.
  • As an individual, has no authority to supervise or direct the Senior Minister or UUAA staff.
  • May represent the Board of Trustees to outside parties in announcing board-stated positions and in stating the President's own decisions and interpretations within his or her authority.
  • May represent the Congregation at UUAA ceremonial events (e.g., new member welcome, and celebrations) or designate another board officer or member to do so.

Board President Expectations:

In addition to those qualities and attributes desired of all members of the Board, the President is expected to:

  • Have previous Board experience, or other relevant organizational development and management and experience, either with the UUAA or another relevant organization.
  • Have organizational skills to assure that the Board business is dealt with efficiently.
  • Be committed to a process of thoughtful and inclusive, discernment and decision-making.
  • Nurture and develop other trustees to work as a group, through efforts to educate about issues, and make informed decisions.
  • Meet with the Senior Minister on a regular basis to discuss issues, and plan meetings.
  • Lead Congregational meetings, assuring all relevant, and important issues for any decision are explored before a decision is made, but also timely, orderly and to the point; and conduct the meeting and facilitate the decision-making process using Roberts Rules of Order.

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Treasurer - Roles and Responsibilities

Updated Sept, 2017

In addition to those qualities and attributes desired of all members of the Board, per Congregational Bylaws, (Article VI. Officers and Governing Body, Section 3.4, p. 9): The Treasurer shall see to it that the financial records of the Congregation are maintained in good order. The responsibilities of the Treasurer shall include, but not be limited to:

3.4.1. Advising the Congregation, the Board of Trustees and other groups of financial aspects and implications of proposed actions;

3.4.2. Summarizing financial statements and interpreting financial data as the Board of Trustees may require; and

3.4.3. Ensuring financial transparency in conveying financial information to the Congregation.

In addition, the Treasurer is a signer on all Congregational financial accounts, (e.g., operational and endowment), signs checks as needed, and:

  • Reviews and forwards a Summary Report from the Senior Minister or staff designee to the Board President, which will be included with the Board of Trustees Consent agenda for monthly business meeting.
  • Collaborates with the Senior Minister or staff designee on financial issues, as needed.
  • Assists the Board President, and others with improving understanding about UUAA finances among the Board of Trustees.


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Vice President - Roles and Responsibilities

Our bylaws, (Article VI. Officers and Governing Body) state:

The Vice President shall act in the absence of or at the request of the President, at which time she/he shall have all powers and functions applicable to the President. In addition, the Vice President shall perform such functions and duties as may be specified by the Board.


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Updated September, 2017

Board of Trustees Expectations and Responsibilities

The First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor (UUAA) Board of Trustees (board) is composed of a diverse group of Congregational members to ensure that the board is well balanced. Members of the Board know the mission and purpose of UUAA, and understand how its programs and services are guided by the UUAA Core Values, Strategic Plan, Bylaws, Governing Policies and the mission of the Congregation. In addition, UUAA board members are committed to Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) principles and values, and to the support of the wider organizational structure of the Midwest Regional District and the UUA.

Board members voluntarily serve as elected stewards of the Congregation, and resolve issues in covenant with each other and the Congregation they serve. Like other members of the UUAA Congregation, members of the board demonstrate their faith and support in the Congregation through personal financial contributions to UUAA. Board members accept responsibility for their functions and for their actions, and acknowledge the role and value of the Congregation’s staff and the need for committed, consistent volunteers.

Purpose of the Board of Trustees

The purpose of the UUAA Board of Trustees is to govern on behalf of the Congregation through written policies to (a) see to it that the Congregation’s resources are expended to further the aspirations articulated in those written policies, (b) to achieve appropriate results at an appropriate cost, and (c) to avoid unacceptable actions. See: Governing Policies, First Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 2016 (section 3, p. 8).

Governing Principles

The Board will govern with emphasis on: the seven Unitarian Universalist Principles, outward vision, open and candid deliberations, collective rather than individual decisions, shared responsibility for decisions, spiritual and strategic leadership more than administrative detail, clear distinction of Board and Executive roles, the future while learning from the past and present. For more information, see: How We Govern.


Board Members Are:

  • Committed to governance that complies with all laws on all governmental levels.
  • Able to faithfully attend board meetings, spring and winter annual meetings, and special meetings and events (e.g., new member orientation and membership book signings, workshops, and fundraisers). 
  • Interested in engaging with members of the Congregation. 
  • Prepared to come to meetings, informed and ready to discuss concerns, address questions and work together to resolve disagreements about Congregation methods, goals and policies. 
  • Eager to learn, willing to be team players, and energetic in their service.

Expectations for Board Members

  • Member of the UUAA Congregation in good standing for a minimum of one year, prior to board service. (Recommended: Five or more years of membership and involvement in UUAA programs.)
  • Past or current experience in volunteer positions in the Congregation and/or professional experience or skills, which support the work of the Board, like finance, management/supervision, law and negotiation, meeting facilitation, strategic planning, note-taking, and working collaboratively. (Recommend: Meeting with current board members, talking with past board members, attending one or more board meetings prior to beginning of term.)
  • Willingness and ability to attend: Two board meetings each month, see: Board Meeting Schedule, spring, winter and special Congregational meetings, an annual day-long board retreat/orientation, and UUAA Sunday service, regularly (Recommended: Midwest Regional district meetings, annual UUA General Assembly or other conferences/workshops, as appropriate.)
  • Willingness to contribute a minimum of 8-10 hours per month to prepare, discuss, read or write, and work on projects as requested by the Board President to ensure full participation at all meetings.
  • Commitment to hold the welfare of the Congregation foremost, to work collaboratively with other members of the Board trustees, including the Senior Minister, and to put aside personal agendas.
  • Knowledge of /or willingness to learn about governance and commitment to adhere to UUAA Bylaws, Governing Policies and other guiding documents. (Recommend reading: D. Hotchkiss, Ministry and Governance, second edition).
  • Ability to engage in deep listening, discernment and decision in collaboration and covenant with other members of the board.
  • Willingness to engage in honest dialogue and to face conflict in love and respect.
  • Financial support (suggested 5% or better of income) of UUAA.
  • Knowledge of / or willingness to learn about Robert’s Rules.


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Secretary- Roles and Responsibilities

Updated September, 2017

As outlined in our bylaws:

3.3. Secretary

The Secretary shall keep minutes of congregational meetings and meetings of the Board. The responsibilities of the Secretary shall include, but not be limited to:

3.3.1. Reviewing and ensuring that all official minutes of the Board meetings and of congregational meetings are recorded accurately, distributed, and made part of the official record available to members of the Congregation;

3.3.2. Determining the presence or absence of a quorum at each congregational and Board meeting; and

3.3.3. Maintaining a permanent record of Board proceedings, including minutes, agendas and attachments;

3.3.4. Maintaining up-to-date Governing Policies, Bylaws and other documents designated as official by the Board of Trustees [and assuring that the most recently approved bylaws and governing policies are distributed to the Board and Staff and are available to the congregation on the UUAA web site.]

3.3.5. The Secretary shall review and approve an updated membership roll at least two and no earlier than four months prior to the annual congregational meeting held in the spring.


Other expectations include:

Overseeing timely distribution of documents needed for Congregational Meetings (preparing minutes or other Board documents and reminding others to submit documents to the office administrator.

As part of (3.3.4) above, assuring that the most recently approved bylaws and governing policies are distributed to the Board and Staff and are available to the congregation on the UUAA web site.

Assuring that the Board meeting schedule and roster are up to date on the UUAA web site.

Overseeing the document structure and archiving strategy of the Board's electronic documents. Adding and removing permission to access Board documents at the beginning of each Board year.


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Annual Meeting June 4, 2017, 11:30 am

Our 2017 annual meeting and election of officers took place on June 4, 2017 in the Phifer Sanctuary.

To view the 2016-17 Annual Report as a single PDF document, click here.

To view the minutes from the 2017 Annual Meeting, click here.



  Proposed Rules of Procedure

  Minutes of the June 5, 2016 Annual Congregational Meeting

  Items requiring a vote by UUAA Members (please study ahead of the meeting):

       Nominees for UUAA Officers, at large Board of Trustees and Leadership Development Team

       Nominees for Senior Minister Search Committee (vote for 4)

       Amendment to Bylaws establishing a Standing Committee on Governance - proposed wording and rationale

 Sanctuary Information: There will not be a vote about becoming a sanctuary church at this time, but information will be presented. You can read:

      An FAQ sheet about becoming a sanctuary congregation

      A draft resolution for UUAA to become a sanctuary congregation






The 2016-17 Annual Report of
The First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor

The annual report is electronic. Each of the links below display a PDF formatted section of the annual report. If a link is missing or not active the report was not submitted.

To view or download a single document with all reports in it, click here.


UUAA Staff and Leadership

       Listing of Board of Trustees and Staff

       Senior Minister Report

       Board of Trustees Report

       Leadership Development Team Report

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Growth and Development

       Chalice Singers Choir / Chalice Bells

Chalice Sparks

       Chalice Circles

       Well-Being Education

Social Justice and Environmental Action

Social Justice Council

Alpha House / IHN

Challenging Racism

Climate Action Group

       Coffee Project

Habitat for Humanity

       Immigration Action

Justice in the Middle East Team

Mindful Eating Coalition

Prison Books

       Restorative Justice

       Sharing the Collection


        Arts and Aesthetics

        Bridge Group

        Community of Writers

Humanist Group

       Internet Technology Group 

       Memorial Reception

       Mens Fellowship

       Northside UUs

       Wednesday Morning Readers

       Welcome Ministries


       Annual Pledge Drive

       Planned Giving

       Quuest Book Store

       Scrip Sales

       Treasurer Assistants



       Jackson Social Welfare Fund

        Khasi Hills Sponsor a Student 

       Partner Church Program

       Reflective Conversations



The 2017-18 UUAA Annual Meeting

Our 2018 annual meeting and election of officers took place June 3, 2018 at 11:45 am in the Phifer Sanctuary.

To view the Annual Report in one PDF document click on this link.

To view the Minutes from the 2018 Annual Meeting click on this link.



Meeting Agenda

Proposed Rules of Procedure

Minutes of the June 4, 2017 Annual Congregational Meeting

Final Report of the 2017-18 Ministerial Search Committee


Slate for the Board of Trustees

The proposed BOT slate is:
Rick Witten (Secretary)
Terry Madden (at large)
Vilma Mesa (at-large)
Mark Doman (at large)
Laura Bolletino (currently a member at large, running for a 2nd term transitioning to Vice President)


Candidates for the Leadership Development Team

There is one open position on the LDT. Two candidates are running for this position:
Cristy Cardinal
Patricio Herbst





The 2017-18 Annual Report of
The First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor

The annual report is electronic. Each of the links below display a PDF formatted section of the annual report. If a link is missing or not active the report was not submitted.

 To view the Annual Report in one PDF document click on this link.

UUAA Staff and Leadership

Spiritual Life

Social Justice and Environmental Action





Jump to the Annual Report 

The 2018-19 UUAA Annual Meeting

Our 2019 annual meeting and election of officers took place June 2nd at 11:45 am in the Phifer Sanctuary.


Meeting Materials


Proposed Rules of Procedure

Minutes of the June 4, 2018 Annual Congregational Meeting

Proposed Bylaw Revisions for Proxy and Absentee Voting


 Elected to the Board of Trustees

Erik Stalhandske - President


My wife (Ann) and I have been UUs for 35 years, previously attending congregations in San Diego, CA; Burlington, VT; and since 1990 here.  I’ve been involved in a variety of activities at UUAA: Currently serving as Congregational President seeking second term, previous Board member, SGD instructor, Leadership Development Team, Investment Advisory, Men’s retreat planning, Associate Minister Support, men’s group member, mentor, Chair and lead in developing our Planned Giving program.  Also, I was a member of the Reflective Conversations team, and a Chalice Circle Facilitator.  Outside of UUAA I’m on the board of a nonprofit building bike trails, and active in my extended family’s life.

Professionally I was a healthcare administrator, working for the federal government for over twenty years, mostly in Ann Arbor.  My wife is a special education teacher in the Ann Arbor preschool program.

I’m humbled to continue this opportunity to serve our congregation during this dynamic period with our new Senior Minister.  Our three children—now grown—all went through the UU programs, and were positively impacted by their experiences. My wife and I have been personally nurtured through our UUAA experiences and community.  I continue to have the time, energy, and desire to give back to this wonderful community.  By continuing as President, I offer continuity for the Senior Minister and the congregation, as well as with our important purpose and vision work.  Thank you for consideration of my nomination.


Vanessa Campbell - Treasurer


Vanessa Campbell became a member of UUAA in 2009. She has been involved in Chalice Circles, the Chalice Singers, Welcome Ministries, a financial reporting review, and the auction. With more than nine years as an entrepreneur of Sage Bookkeeping Services, she works with small businesses and seniors. The majority of her career, she was employed by a telecommunications corporation during the early development of the Internet. She also managed holography production in a local laboratory. She has extensive experience in process development, analysis, and project management. Vanessa looks forward to working with other UUAA leaders, learning more about the Congregation, and deepening her connection to UUAA through her Board service.





Toni Wander - Trustee at Large

Toni WanderI have been a member of UUAA since November 2014. My immediate family had not been religious at all, but my grandparents had been involved in UUAA. When my mother died, I felt a need to have a spiritual community in my life.   After a few visits I felt a deep connection and joined without hesitation. I took part in a Chalice Circle, and then in January 2015 I joined the choir. I attended the General Assembly in 2017 and was on the Planned Giving Committee for a year in 2017 – 2018.

In my professional life, I received my BA in philosophy, Summa Cum Laude, from the University of Michigan, and my MSA in Accounting from Eastern Michigan University. I am a Certified Financial Planner (CFP™), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), and a Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA®). I started my career in 1988 at Tisch Incorporated, a local investment and insurance firm. I then spent twelve years with Plante Moran to help individuals manage their portfolios and complete their tax returns. For the last ten years I have worked in the banking industry, heading up the Financial Planning department in a local community bank. And now, as of February of 2019, I have co-founded Legacy Wealth Partners, LLC. I am thrilled to be independent, working to assist clients in developing and fulfilling their dreams. I can now also dedicate more time and energy into the community, and to UUAA, and so would like to join the board.


Erin Krajcik - Trustee at large

Erin KrajcikIt is an honor to be selected as a candidate for an At-Large position on the UUAA Board of Trustees. Thank you. I grew up with Unitarian Universalist values as a part of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Savannah. Since joining UUAA in 2014, it has been a privilege to serve during the Newcomer’s Welcome and Involvement Table and as a member of Friends of Restorative Justice. It is such a delight during the Newcomer’s Welcome to meet and engage with new people interested in the Congregation and Unitarian Universalism, and I get to talk about all of the amazing things this congregation does! I also have found such meaning through my involvement with Friends of Restorative Justice. With this group, we are able to put “faith into action” on so many levels by promoting a restorative approach criminal justice. I am proud to be a member of UUAA while engaging with these groups.

As a Clinical Social Worker, my professional values, experience, and training have been very helpful for my involvement with these groups. I imagine this skill set will also prove useful for continuing to engage with the congregation in the role of Board Member-At-Large. One of my favorite things on Sunday is not only seeing so many people I know but seeing how many people I have yet to meet. For me, this is the wonder of our Congregation. We are vast, and deep. We do so much and with such meaning. For that, I appreciate the UUAA Congregation, and the opportunity as a candidate for Board Member-At-Large.



Elected to the Leadership Development Team

Leigh Robertson-  LDT Elected Position



Leigh Robertson has been a Unitarian Universalist since 1999. She joined the UUAA congregation in 2005 and quickly found a spiritual home.  During her 14 years here, she has been actively involved in Interweave, Sharing Collections, the Strategic Planning committee, Coming of Age, YRUU, Congregation retreats, Newcomers Welcome, and the Ministerial Search Committee.  She is also faculty at UM School of Social Work where she has had numerous leadership roles.   





 Note from the Leadership Development Team: These candidates were selected by the LDT following a careful selection and vetting process. We posted a recommendation form on the UUAA website and used the Sunday Bulletin and a table in the Social Hall inviting nominations from the Congregation. We contacted all eligible suggested candidates to learn a bit more about them and discern their interest in serving. Finally, we interviewed each potential candidate to confirm they would be the best match for the position.

Use this link to download a PDF document with all candidate biographies.



The 2018-19 Annual Report

of The First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor

2019 Annual Report Photos


The annual report is electronic. Each of the links below display a PDF formatted section of the annual report. If a link is missing or not active the report was not submitted.


To view the full report in one PDF, click on this link.


In Memoriam 2018-19


UUAA Staff and Leadership

Spiritual Life

Social Justice and Environmental Action


