...  To a faith with the power to transform lives and change the world.   ...  To a faith that can sustain and enrich the next chapter of your life.

January 2020 UUAA Winter Congregational Meeting and Vision Design

We will have our Winter Congregational Meeting on Sunday January 26, 2020, at 11:30 am in the Phifer Sanctuary.

This year there are two parts to the meeting. A short business meeting will be followed by a facilitated Vision 20/50 meeting.

Food will be available in the Social Hall starting at 10:45am. Child care is available for infants and toddlers. Children over 5 and youth are invited to take part in the all-ages meeting.

Important Note: Our Vision 20/50 facilitator has serious allergies that can trigger a trip to the Emergency Room. To help keep her safe, please:

-- don’t use any colognes, perfumes, or scented deodorants, lotions,or soaps (especially anything citrus or flower scented)

-- if you are in doubt as to whether you are wearing something that falls into these categories please do not get in close physical proximity to Elandria.

-- don't bring any snacks to the meeting, food will be provided in the Social Hall

Thank you!! We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this important health issue


Agenda and Materials

Business Meeting ----

Welcome and Overview

Chalice Lighting

Approval of Agenda for Meeting

Vote to approve January 2019 Minutes

Download the Minutes of the January 13, 2019 Winter Congregational Meeting

Budget / Stone Soup update

Vote to become the sponsoring congregation for theresa rohlck's ordination

Download an Absentee ballot for ordination of theresa rohlck

Download the Absentee Voting Procedures

View a FAQ Sheet for theresa rohlck Ordination Vote

Suspend Robert's Rules

Continue with Vision 20/50 activities

Vision Design -----------

View the Theory of Change - for Vision Discussion and Prioritization Vote

  Welcome and Overview

Welcome – Elandria Williams and Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti

Song – Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout

Review agenda together - Elandria Williams

How we got here and overall plan – 20/50 Leadership Team

Theory of Change

What is a Theory of Change? - Elandria Williams/ *Facilitation Team 

Theory of Change overview – 20/50 Leadership Team

Theory of Change reflections - Facilitation Team 

Affirmation of Current Theory of Change (will be ongoing) - Elandria Williams

Congregational Assessment 

Different rooms in the building are set up to allow you to react to the Theory of Change and express your ideas for what impact you want the congregation to have practically-- what activities UUAA should be doing and what might get in the way.  Choose a room with an activity that works best for you.

[Back in sanctuary ]

Pair and Group Reflections 

Small group or pair sharing – Facilitation Team 

Large group reflections – 30 seconds to 1 minute each – Facilitation Team 

Next Steps and Closing 

Next Steps– Facilitation Team 

Closing song- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout

Closing words

[Download/ view/ print the agenda in PDF format]

*The facilitation team includes Rev. Dr. Lisa Presley, Congregational Life Consultant, MidAmerica Region and Rev. Carleton Smith, Congregational Life Staff, Southern Region


Vision Materials

During the meeting, we will all be interacting with the "Theory of Change" document and we will be voting on priorities for the sections called "UUAA Community Engagement" and "UUAA Inside the Congregation". It might help you to read those sections ahead of time to know how you wish to vote.

View the Theory of Change - for Vision Discussion and Prioritization Vote

If you would like to read more about our Vision 20/50 project and how data was collected and analyzed, follow this link.



Jump to the Annual Report 

The 2019-20 UUAA Annual Meeting

Our 2020 Annual Meeting and election of officers took place on Sunday, May 31st at 11:30 am, via Zoom. The slate of officers was elected unanimously. 

Meeting Materials


Proposed Rules of Procedure

Minutes of the 2019 Annual Congregational Meeting

       Congregational Vision (report to the congregation from the Vision 20/50 Leadership Team)

       UUAA Mission, Vision and Purpose- draft


Board and Leadership Development Team Candidates

LauraJohnstoneLaura Johnstone – Vice President

I’ve been a UUAA member for about two years. After coming “off the road” in my professional life, I am grateful that my wife of 40 years (Cynthia Dunitz) and I have found our home in this community. My involvement thus far includes the Friday Fun Night team, the Auction Committee, the Unity Group, Forum Ministries, New Member Welcome team, Vision 20/50 Leadership and Communications teams, and Chalice Circle Topics Writing team as well as active ongoing support with the Alpha House group. Professionally I’ve served as the Communications Director for two large companies, but found my true activist calling with the Service Employees International Union as communicator for many campaigns and then as International Representative serving in a variety of capacities in the Midwest, including Legislative Liaison for campaigns, Interim Chief of Staff, and Deputy Trustee, with Nursing Home Workers, Nurses, Janitors, Public School Employees and others. Our Principles and Covenant resonate powerfully with me. I’m committed to strengthening our beloved community, and to creating actions that move our principles from self, to community, to the greater world around us.




RickWittenRick Witten - Secretary

I joined UUAA along with my wife, Bobbi Coluni, shortly before we were married here by Ken Phifer in the summer of 1999. UUAA has been integral to our lives over the past two decades, as we’ve grown together and raised our daughter, Ellie, here.

Over the years I have been involved with our Men’s programs, and with our youth program. The men’s retreats and fellowship with my UU brothers provide inspiration, connection and many good memories. I deeply value our youth programs, such as OWL, Coming of Age and YRUU. Being on teacher teams and a mentor in COA have allowed me to contribute to our youth, as they have contributed to my life and personal growth. These programs have been very meaningful for my daughter as well, and I’m so grateful for the influence this community has had in nurturing her.

Music is front and center at UUAA, and I feel fortunate for the experience of being a member of our Chalice Singers under Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout. I’m also proud to have helped the Chalice Sparks children’s choir to flourish. 

It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as the Secretary of the Board for the past two years. I’ve enjoyed working with our Board members and Senior Minister, as we’ve addressed significant challenges together. With your approval, I look forward to helping navigate through these challenging times toward brighter days to come.


KathEdgrenKatherine (Kathy) Edgren – Trustee At Large

This Congregation has been an integral part of my life since my husband, John, and I joined shortly after the move to the new building. Serving four years on the Leadership Development Team, singing in the choir, visiting a member from the age of 97-104, working with Farmer Bill, being a part of the Community of Writers and Examining Whiteness, getting petitions signed to enhance voting accessibility, Chalice Circles and more, are all experiences that provided chances to work for social justice, expand my skills and interests, and get to know more wonderful people.

Having been raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan in the Christian Reformed Church, I especially appreciate the warmth, openness, and sense of inclusion I experience at UUAA. I also like to be challenged intellectually, and to walk away from services with ideas to chew on.

Trained as a social worker in community organizing at U of M, I am currently enjoying retirement. In my work life I raised money for the ACLU, was a project manager on multi-million dollar research and intervention projects in Detroit, served as Division Director and managed a department at University Health Service, and served three terms as an Ann Arbor City Councilmember. I have worked with adults with serious mental illnesses, with families suffering with asthma, and with college students. I am also a poet with two chapbooks and one book. I have two grown children and three—soon to be four—grandchildren.


GlenHarrisGlenn Harris – Trustee At Large

I’ve been a congregation member for five-plus years, after attending for some years prior to that; I’ve served as a mentor in the ‘Coming of Age’ program (3 years) and participated in Habitat work projects. I am currently a member of the Men’s Council as well as of the 12th Men’s Circle, and I learned much from my work as a Vision 20/50 project ambassador.

I’m a husband (married in our building, July, 2012), a father, a grandfather; professionally, I’m an educator, a writing instructor, and since 2002 have been on the English faculty of Mott Community College in Flint.

After an early life as the son and brother, cousin and nephew, of ministers--low church, evangelical--and then after many years disconnected from religious community, I am now deeply grateful for this congregation, for its ministers, and for the spiritual home and centering it has provided for me. I will be honored to do what I can to serve this congregation and community, to promote the values of this faith, and to help this congregation thrive far into the future.



GreggPetersonGregg Peterson –Trustee At Large

I am honored to be considered for membership on the UAAA Board of Trustees. I’ve participated widely in the life of this congregation since moving to Ann Arbor with my wife and daughter over 11 years ago.  We left many dear friends and family members in Chicago, including our UU friends at Second Unitarian Church, the congregation where we first discovered this amazing faith tradition 18 years ago. I was a trustee on the board at “2U” just before being recruited for a new job here in Michigan.

Since joining UUAA, my family and I have been nourished by all that this congregation has to offer -- warm friendships, inspiring services, an amazing community of musicians, small-group ministries (I’m a member of the 7th men’s circle), many opportunities for spiritual growth and development, and the chance to serve this congregation. In my time here I have been an SGD teacher, a member of the SGD Council, a coming-of-age mentor, a planner and leader in the activities of the men’s fellowship, including most recently, Chair of the Men’s Council, a member of the newly formed LOV (Living Our Values) team, and a proud member of the bass section in the Chalice Singers choir.

In my professional life, I’m an Associate Director in the Survey Research Operations unit at Michigan’s Institute for Social Research. When I’m not working or spending time with all of you, I love to make photographs and hand-crafted books, and have recently begun writing and telling my own stories. 





Dawn Salo – Leadership Development Team, Elected Position

My name is Dawn M. Salo. I moved to Ann Arbor in September 2017 from Phoenix, AZ. I became a member of UUAA June 17, 2018. I have ushered first Sundays during the second service for the past two years. I've enjoyed being an usher, as I get to meet our congregants as they enter the sanctuary. I have participated in Chalice Circles, the Community of Writers, volunteered with our Habitat crew, worked with the Chalice Circle Curriculum Writing Team and enrolled in other spiritual development programs at UUAA. I love this church and the commitment to the Unitarian Universalist movement. 






The 2019-20 Annual Report

First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor

Banner 2019 20


The annual report is electronic.

Use this link to view/ download the combined report that includes all of the reports show below.

Each of the links below display one PDF formatted section of the annual report. If a link is missing or not active the report was not submitted.


In Memoriam 2019-20


UUAA Staff and Leadership

Spiritual Life

Social Justice and Environmental Action





Jump to the Annual Report 

2020-21 UUAA Annual Meeting

The 2020-21 Annual Meeting was held June 6, 2021 at 11:30 via Zoom.



Adopted agenda

Adopted Rules of Procedure

Minutes of the 2020 Annual Congregational Meeting

The slate of Board/ LDT members proposed by the Leadership Development Team was elected.

The proposed bylaw changes were adopted by a 78% in favor vote:

Proposed bylaw changes

Rationale for the changes

FAQ sheet



Elected Board of Trustees and Leadership Development Team Members


LauraJohnstonePresident: Laura Johnstone

I’ve been a UUAA member for more than three years, most recently serving as Vice President of the Board of Trustees.   After coming “off the road” in my professional life, I am grateful that my wife of 40+ years (Cynthia Dunitz) and I have found our home in this community. My involvement thus far includes the Friday Fun Night team, the Auction Committee, the Unity Group, Forum Ministries, New Member Welcome team, the Vision 20/50 Leadership teams, and Chalice Circle Topics Writing team as well as active ongoing support with the Alpha House group.  Professionally I’ve served as the Communications Director for two large companies, but found my true activist calling with the Service Employees International Union as communicator for many campaigns and then as International Representative serving in a variety of capacities throughout the Midwest, including Legislative Liaison for campaigns, Interim Chief of Staff, and Deputy Trustee, with Nursing Home Workers, Nurses, Janitors, Public School Employees and others.  Our Principles and Covenant resonate powerfully with me. I’m committed to strengthening our beloved community, and to creating actions that move our principles from self, to community, to the greater world around us. I’m also committed to helping our community carry out our service through the framework of our Vision 20/50. 


GreggPetersonAppointment (filling Laura Johnstone's term) Vice President: Gregg Peterson

I’ve participated widely in the life of this congregation since moving from Chicago to Ann Arbor with my wife and daughter, over 12 years ago.  We left many dear friends and family members in Chicago, including our UU friends at Second Unitarian Church, the congregation where we first discovered this amazing faith tradition 19 years ago. I was a trustee on the board at “2U” just before being recruited for a new job here in Michigan.

Since joining UUAA, my family and I have been nourished by all that this congregation has to offer—warm friendships, inspiring services, an amazing community of musicians, small-group ministries (I’m a member of the 7th Men’s Circle), many opportunities for spiritual growth and development, and the opportunity to serve this congregation. I have been an SGD teacher, a member of the SGD Council, a coming-of-age mentor, a planner and leader in the activities of the Men’s Fellowship, including two years as the Chair of the Men’s Council, a member of LOV (Living Our Values) team, and a proud member of the bass section in the Chalice Singers choir. Finally, for the last year, I've been a Trustee at Large on the UUAA Board.

In my professional life, I’m an Associate Director in the Survey Research Operations unit at Michigan’s Institute for Social Research. When I’m not working or in community with you, I love to make photographs and hand-crafted books, and have recently begun writing and telling my own stories. 



VanessaCampbell Treasurer: Vanessa Campbell

Vanessa Campbell became a member of UUAA in 2009. She has been involved in Chalice Circles, the Chalice Singers (Choir), Welcome Ministries (usher), a financial reporting review, and the auction. With more than nine years as an entrepreneur of Sage Accounting, she works with small businesses and seniors, and formerly she worked with a telecommunications corporation during the early development of the Internet. She has extensive experience in process development, analysis, and project management. Vanessa has served as Treasurer on the UUAA BOT for the last two years. Vanessa looks forward to serving another term on the UUAA Board of Trustees.






DavidKohnTrustee-at-Large: David Kohn

I have lived in Ann Arbor for over 30 years and my family (Lisa, Sam and Tim) and I have been members of UUAA since 2004.  I am currently a member and treasurer of the Social Justice Council, and have previously served as a coming of age mentor and helped teach in the SGD program.  I have also volunteered at Alpha House and served on the newcomer’s welcome committee.  We started coming to UUAA when our children were young and relished the SGD program that they grew up with.  As an empty nester now, I am able to dedicate more time to UUAA, which has provided a beautiful home for us.  I value the free-thinking and discourse provided by the Congregation and the environment that enables us to live our values.  The most important element of my membership in UUAA has been the relationships that have been built.  I have served on Boards and as President of professional (scientific) societies, so I have experience in activities, governance and financial aspects of non-profits and volunteer work.  I am honored to have been nominated as a candidate for the Board and look forward to the opportunity to serve our Congregation.




ErinKrajcikTrustee-at-Large: Erin Krajcik

It is an honor to be selected for reelection to an At-Large position on the UUAA Board of Trustees. Thank you. I grew up with Unitarian Universalist values as a part of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Savannah. Since joining UUAA in 2014, it has been a privilege to serve during the Newcomer’s Welcome and Involvement Table and as a member of Friends of Restorative Justice. It is such a delight during the Newcomer’s Welcome to meet and engage with new people interested in the Congregation and Unitarian Universalism, and I get to talk about all of the amazing things this congregation does! I also have found such meaning through my involvement with Friends of Restorative Justice. With this group, we are able to put “faith into action” on so many levels by promoting a restorative approach criminal justice. I am proud to be a member of UUAA while engaging with these groups.

As a Clinical Social Worker, my professional values, experience, and training have been very helpful for my involvement with these groups. This skill set has also proven useful for continuing to engage with the congregation in the role of Board Member-At-Large. One of my favorite things on Sunday is not only seeing so many people I know but seeing how many people I have yet to meet. For me, this is the wonder of our Congregation. We are vast, and deep. We do so much and with such meaning. For that, I appreciate the UUAA Congregation, and the opportunity to serve as a Board Member-At-Large.


HenrikeFlorusboschAppointment (filling Gregg Peterson's term): Trustee-at-Large: Henrike Florusbosch

I am excited about the opportunity to serve this congregation that has been so important to me. My husband and I signed the membership book in 2007, when our oldest daughter was in preschool (and the other children weren’t yet born). Moving along with our oldest daughter,

I have taught SGD classes from Kindergarten to 5th grade, when I started “commuting” to the Netherlands for a few years to teach at the University of Leiden; during that time & afterwards, I intermittently taught SGD classes alongside our second daughter, before joining the SGD committee in 2018.

The Vision 2050 process made me realize the many ways in which the congregation, and its covenantal approach to bringing about the beloved community together, had become a core part of my life. I thought the care everyone took in engaging others in the visioning process and our commitment to begin again in love, again and again as needed, were exemplary, and I’ve tried to bring some of these practices to home & work. Conversely, I now hope to bring some of my professional experience (I manage the African Studies Center at the University of Michigan) and my passion for creating community and transformative change to the board.



JanetCalloway Leadership Development Team: Janet Callaway

I’ve lived in Ann Arbor since 1958. My formal education includes degrees in Music, Special Education, and, finally a Ph.D. Education Administration.   I also participated in a year-long internship in planned change/organizational development.

Professionally, I spent a decade as a cellist, two decades in public education—one as an elementary teacher, language arts consultant, and one as a building administrator. Finally, I worked with corporate America for fifteen years, particularly in team development and process improvement.

Since retirement I’ve provided pro bono consultation with non-profit groups. I’ve also held leadership roles in several community groups, including Huron Services for Youth, Arbor Hospice, and UMS.

My first experience in our congregation began in the mid-1970s when I signed the membership book and was eventually Director of Religious Education. Then having been absent for a number of years, when Lou and I were married in 1994 we explored congregations and in that exploration began attending here regularly, re-signing the book in February, 2019.

Recently I’ve been a greeter, helped with our last auction and been part of the Wednesday Morning Readers. I was on the Leadership Team for the first phase of the “Vision 20/50” process, working on the sub-group that developed the data gathering process and supported the superb volunteer members who facilitated the sessions.

Why the Leadership Development Team?   I intend to work with others to deepen our congregational understanding of the unique leadership and followership required to move closer to actualizing our Vision. In that way we will be able to develop future slates of Board and LDT candidates whose leadership continues to exemplify those understandings.



KimKlugstonAppointed Position: Leadership Development Team: Kim Clugston

I signed the UUAA membership book on May 9, 2004. I served as the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees from 2009-2013. I also have served as a member of the Memorial Garden group, off and on, since 2009 to the present. 

Rev. Gail Geisenhainer married  my fellow gardener, Peter Russell, and me in our Dexter back yard on a beautiful September afternoon in 2013. I retired from the Bank of Ann Arbor last July and am happily adjusting to life without an alarm clock. Peter and I live in our home with my father, Bill, who is 94.

This congregation is important to me as it is a major part of my spiritual home, informing and supporting my personal political, ethical, and social relationships with the greater world. Our church home is a sanctuary of peace and beauty built on our past contributions and aspirations for the future. I appreciate the opportunity to serve on the Leadership Development Team as part of my contribution.






The 2020-21 Annual Report

First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor

 Banner for Annual Report 2021

 In the 2020-21 program year, creativity abounded as we figured out how to gather virtually, keep up connections and remain a strong community during a pandemic. We added Zoom pastoral care, Zoom kids activities, outdoor Community Walks and found many other ways to stay connected. We kept our social justice programs going and kept working on Vision 20/50 priorities, including taking the first steps on a Green Sanctuary re-certification journey.


During our Sunday Service May 23, 2021, Rev. Cassandra Hartley gathered highlights of the many ways we managed to stay in community throughout this difficult pandemic year. Please watch this inspiring summary of UUAA's 2020-2021... perhaps our first video Annual Report.



Each of the links below display one UUAA Group 2020-21 Annual Report (PDF formatted).


-- Or read/download all of the reports gathered into one PDF document using this link.



In Memoriam 2020-21

UUAA Staff and Leadership

Spiritual Life

Social Justice and Environmental Action




Support Teams


logouuaaJanuary 2022 UUAA Winter Congregational Meeting - Jan 23, 10:30 am

The 2022 Winter Congregational Meeting was held on Sunday January 23, 2022, at 10:30, via Zoom.



11:15     Board Update

Work of the Board

  • Governance
  • Strategic Planning / Monitoring
  • Leadership Development Team
  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Congregational Meetings

JME Petition Update

11:40      Board Q/A - The 2022-23 Board Work Plan is available using this link

11:50    Operations Update

  • Finance/Budget
  • Staff Restructuring/Culture Change
  • Music Program
  • COVID Team
  • Shared Ministries Team

12:15      Operations Q/A






Jump to the Annual Report

Register to Attend

Download the Meeting Packet (pdf)


The 2021-22 Annual Meeting is scheduled to take place June 5th, 2022 at 10:30 am, over Zoom.

 Register in advance for this meeting using this link...




Rules of Procedure

Minutes of the 2021 Annual Meeting

Minutes of the 2022 Winter Congregational Meeting

The slate of Board and LDT members proposed by the Leadership Development Team (see below)

Proposed bylaw changes:

Proposed bylaw modifications

Rationale for bylaw modifications


Slate of Trustees and Leadership Development Team Members


Board of Trustees

GreggPeterson300lowVice President: Gregg Petersen

I am honored to be considered for a second term on the UAAA Board of Trustees. I've participated widely in the life of this congregation since moving to Ann Arbor with my wife and daughter over 13 years ago. 
My family and I have been nourished by all that this congregation has to offer -- warm friendships, inspiring services, an amazing community of musicians, small-group ministries (I’m a member of the 7th men’s circle), many opportunities for spiritual growth and development, and the chance to serve this congregation. In my time here I have been an SGD teacher, a member of the SGD Council, a coming-of-age mentor, a planner and leader in the activities of the men’s fellowship, a member of the newly formed LOV (Living Our Values) team, a member of the bass section in the Chalice Singers choir, and for the last two years, a member of the Board of Trustees.

I am hopeful and excited about the future of UUAA, including our Vision Priority Areas, and I look forward to serving for another two years in support of all that we do together.




 Secretary:  Joe Libin,

I would like to present myself as a candidate for the position of Secretary on the UUAA Board of Trustees. By means of introduction I have been a member of UUAA since 2019.  My first service to UUAA was joining the choir, which I did joyfully.  I subsequently signed the Big Book in March of that year and began serving on the Jackson Social Welfare Fund Committee as well.  The following year I was honored to be asked to serve on Rev. theresa’s Committee on Ministry. This year I have also been asked to put together the lay-led Trans and Non-Binary voices service in late March of this year. 

As a relatively new member of the UUAA I am passionate about helping us move into the future digitally and socially. As a professional Tech Support person, I am very comfortable with Google Docs and Zoom. As the Secretary for the Board, I would ensure that all communications are timely and clear.  I am eager to learn all about the Board and the role of the Trustees, and I have the time to make myself available for meetings, retreats and other functions.  I would be honored to serve our congregation in this position, and I believe I am qualified to make a positive impact both here and abroad.






Trustee at Large: Jeff Poliner

I have been an active member of the UUAA community since moving to Ann Arbor in 1996. Shortly after joining, I started participating in the 20s/30s group and have maintained many friendships from that group since. A few years later I was part of forming the 2nd Men’s Circle which continues to meet regularly to this day. I have also served on the Green Sanctuary committee from 2000-2004 and was a co-chair that helped play a pivotal role in obtaining the Green Sanctuary certification from the UUA. 

Over the years, I have also been highly involved in the religious education program having taught almost every RE/SGD level class from pre-school to my current role as a  YRUU advisor. In addition, I have served on what was previously known as the RE Advisory Committee. Throughout this time, I have served on a previous Board of Trustees, and been on the Nominating Committee, the Auction committee, helped plan Men’s Retreats and Men’s Dinners, as well as served a term on the Men’s Council.

Outside of the congregation, I am an engineer, currently working for a manufacturer of medical devices based in Kalamazoo. I enjoy cycling, cross-country skiing, reading, cooking, and playing board games and euchre. My fiancée, Helena, is one of the newest members of this congregation, and we will be getting married this summer and look forward to traveling again beginning with a trip to Croatia.

I am honored to be considered for a position on the Board of Trustees





Trustee at Large: Henrike Florusbosch

Henrike and her husband moved from the Netherlands to the US to study and work at the University of Michigan and discovered Unitarian Universalism after a few years here. They signed the membership book in 2007, when their oldest daughter was in preschool (and the other children weren’t yet born).

Over the years, Henrike taught SGD classes from Kindergarten to 6th grade, and served on the SGD committee. The Vision 20/50 process made her realize the many ways in which the congregation, and its covenantal approach to bringing about the beloved community, had become a core part of my life in helping me align more closely what I think, say, and do. She has been honored to serve on the Board this past year and hopes to continue working with her fellow board members to do our "little bit of good where we are." 







Trustee at Large: Glenn Harris

I'm honored to be considered for a second term on the board and continue this important work with such a dedicated group. I’ve been a congregation member for seven-plus years, after attending for some years prior to that; I’ve served as a mentor in the ‘Coming of Age’ program (3 years) and participated in Habitat work projects. I am currently a member of the Men’s Council as well as of the 12th Men’s Circle, and I learned much from my work as a Vision 20/50 project ambassador.

I’m a husband, a father, a grandfather; professionally, I’m an educator, a writing instructor, and since 2002 have been on the English faculty of Mott Community College in Flint.

After an early life as the son and brother, cousin and nephew, of ministers, and then after many years disconnected from religious community, I am now deeply grateful for this congregation, for its ministers, and for the spiritual home and centering it has provided for me. I will be honored to continue serving this congregation and community, working to help it thrive far into the future.



 Leadership Development Team


A person smiling for the cameraDescription automatically generated with low confidenceArika Lycan

Arika Lycan (they/them/theirs) is a positive, enthusiastic person who enjoys making connections and engaging in community. Arika hails from Columbus, Ohio and has resided in Ypsilanti, Michigan for the past 20 years with their partner, kiddo, and two cats. Arika has been a member of UUAA for the last 4 years, since December, 2018. Upon joining UUAA in 2018, Arika helped to start the "Caregivers and Kiddos" group for parents and their young children (pre-preschool age). Arika joined the Racial Justice Arc group as a co-leader in May of 2021, where they help guide that group along with Cindy O'Connor, and they also serve on the Shared Ministries Team (SMT). 

Outside of UUAA, Arika has worked in the nonprofit field in Washtenaw County for 15+ years. They've worked at CHIME, based in Ann Arbor, for the last 5 years as the Director of Corporate Member Services. Arika is committed to continued anti-racism and anti-oppression work both in their personal life and within their circles of community (UUAA, at their job, in Washtenaw county, etc) . They graduated from Eastern Michigan University with their Bachelor's degree in Social Work, and The Ohio State University with their Master's degree in Social Work, focused in Social Administration. Arika enjoys all things outdoors, including biking with their son and hiking at Pinckney Recreation Area. They are a voracious reader and enjoy listening to music and playing board games with friends and family.



The 2021-22 Annual Report

First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor


[ links will become active when the report is submitted]

Each of the links below display one UUAA Group 2021-22 Annual Report (PDF formatted).



In Memoriam 2021-22

UUAA Staff and Leadership

Spiritual Life

Social Justice and Environmental Action




Support Teams


The Board of Trustees listens to the staff and congregation and looks at the goals of all of the UUAA ministries to create a multi-year strategic plan. Yearly review of the strategic plan leads to a work plan with strategic goals that focus the work of staff, lay leaders, fundraising efforts and budgeting. The Senior Minister coordinates a yearly staff work plan for UUAA administration that coordinates with the Board's goals.

UUAA staff and Congregants are encouraged to consider how their personal congregational life intersects with the strategic objectives and approaches and how you might contribute to the success of this plan. Each and every one of us is essential to achieving the goals – it is our future and every one of us is a part of it.



 Quick Links to strategic documents

2016-2020 Strategic Plan



chaliceandflowers“… this is our covenant with each other: to dwell together in peace, to search for truth in love, and to help one another…


 In our fairly large congregation, you might at times run into a problem that you aren't sure how to solve. Please read on to decide who you should contact.

For routine "how do I get this done?" issues like room reservations and social hall tables, etc, please try checking this how-to resource page for guidance.

If you need to talk to the staff person who oversees a particular area, you may want to consult this staff organization chart to make sure who to talk to. Rev. Cassandra Hartley oversees operations policies and procedures.

If you have a question or suggestion involving UUAA governing policies or strategic goals, you should speak with a Board of Trustees member.


You might find that you have a more complex problem, like a relationship issue with a congregant or staff member or that you have a difficulty that involves UUAA processes and procedures. There are three lay teams that are focused on making sure we have a healthy and supportive environment at UUAA.

Living Our Values (LOV) Team for relationship issues

Shared Ministries Team (SMT) for issues that involve UUAA processes and procedures and

Music Ambassadors (MA) Team that can answer questions and receive feedback that is specific to our large and varied music programs.

Although the SMT focuses on operational policies, processes, and communication, there is often overlap with interpersonal relationships which would normally be handled by the LOV Team. Both teams will be working together as closely as is needed, taking joint action when that is helpful for the UUAA community. The music program MA Team also overlaps and collaborates with LOV and SMT when needed.



Shared Ministries Team (SMT)

The purpose of the lay-staffed Shared Ministries Team is to support and nurture the health of the congregation and its many thriving ministries, with a primary focus on operational policies, processes, and communication.

The primary goal of the SMT is to receive, reflect on, and directly respond to feedback from the congregation, including feedback related to the professional and lay staff of the congregation, the congregation’s policies, and its ministries and programs. The SMT will serve as an open channel in responding to feedback, questions, or the need for additional information that may arise in our increasingly complex organization, in particular paying attention to areas/issues where it may become apparent that there is a significant critical mass of congregational interest.

At times, the SMT may wish to survey the congregation and staff to actively solicit feedback on a particular topic, but it is anticipated that most congregational feedback will be in the form of email, phone calls, and personal communications with the SMT and/or the congregation’s staff.

The SMT works collaboratively with the staff to find a way forward on issues that warrant an adjustment of congregational policies or processes, and provide clarifying information to inquiring parties when such would be helpful.

Use this link to read the February, 2020 Charge to the Shared Ministries Team.

Current SMT Members

The current members of the Shared Ministries Team are Laura Bollettino (chair), Jim Breck, Bob Hospadaruk, Elizabeth LaPorte, and Arika Lycan. (Updated Dec, 2021)

Members of the SMT are selected by the Senior Minister, who consults with the leadership of the Board of Trustees and the current Chair of the SMT.

Use this link to contact the Shared Ministries Team (SMT) .


Living Our Values (LOV) Team

The purpose of the lay-staffed LOV Team is to serve as partners in building, maintaining, and repairing congregational relationships to ensure that we are living in alignment with our UUAA covenant. They work to strengthen the shared covenant-based fabric of our community.

 The LOV Team is committed to supporting and nurturing healthy, right relationship* by:

  • Providing proactive, skills-building activities as workshops, seminars, and discussion circles that promote covenant-based relationship in the absence of harm or conflict.
  • Addressing potential or actual harm in the moment, serving as proactive bystanders and reminders of healthy covenant and mutual care.
  • Serving as facilitators and guides who assist/support the conversation, healing, re-committal to covenant, and affirmation of love & care that is sometimes needed after harm has been caused.

Use this link to read the February, 2020 Charge to the LOV Team.

Current LOV Team Leadership

Ken Clein (chair), Cynthia Dunitz, Mark Jagner, Gregg Peterson, Spencer Thomas, debita graham, Susie Thompson, John Kasab, Cristy Cardinal, QuianaDenae Perkins, Rev Manish
(updated  October, 2021)

Use this link to contact the LOV Team.


Music Ambassador Team (MA)

The purpose of the lay-staffed Music Ambassadors (MA) Team is to support our broader UUAA community on matters related to UUAA’s music ministries, support UUAA’s music communities, and support the Director of Music Ministries.

Honoring the spirit of covenant, MA Team members will hold these primary responsibilities:

  1. serving our broader UUAA community as a resource in responding to questions or feedback related to UUAA’s music ministries; and
  2. supporting the Director of Music Ministries with specific music program logistical and/or communication needs, as team members’ capacity allows and as invited by the Director of Music Ministries..

Use this link to read the full December, 2021 Charge to the Music Ambassadors Team.

Current MA Team Members

The members of the MA Team are selected by the Director of Worship and Music.

Current members are Jim McCargar and Kristin LeSueur (co-chairs), Priscilla Spencer and Deana Shields

Use this link to contact the Music Ambassadors Team (MA Team) .



* "Right relations exist within a group when its members share a sense of fellowship in an atmosphere of trust, respect and cooperation.  Group members accept responsibility for their actions, openly share information and listen and clarify what they hear; they let others have their say, respect boundaries and confidentiality, refrain from harmful gossip about others, speak honestly and bring to light concerns about things which threaten the health of the congregation.    When conflicts or differences of opinion arise, the group works to manage or resolve them through compromise or consensus." Drawn/adapted from:  Sample Covenant of Right Relations,(From UU Faithworks Shared by Rev. Deborah Mero, Interim Minister (2000-2002), All Souls Church Unitarian Universalist (UU) Brattleboro, VT) Maintaining Right Relations: Expectations and Remedies, Adopted 5/6/01 (https://www.uua.org/safe/covenant/sample)


"The mission of the Leadership Development Team at the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor is to foster congregational stewardship by engaging a broad spectrum of new and existing volunteers, and by providing them with educational opportunities, support, and resources."

The LDT is defined in our bylaws as a standing committee reporting to the UUAA Board of Trustees.

It recognizes, and celebrates all leaders at UUAA. Lay leaders are an essential part of our Congregation.

LDT Activities

  • Promote ongoing recruitment of Board Trustees
  • Present to the Board a slate of vetted Trustee nominations to the current Board of Trustees each spring, in advance of the annual Congregational Meeting
  • Monthly meetings to discuss progress with goals and activities
  • Hosting events to recognize existing leaders, promote networking, and recruit new leaders
  • Provide leadership resources and training

Interested in Serving on the Board of Trustees?

Now is the time to help guide UUAA into the future, along with UUAA ministers, staff and other congregants. Join other leaders held in covenant two times each month, working hand-in-hand with our ministers and lay leaders to review and improve policies, develop strategic plans, and monitor high-level operational activities. At UUAA, we celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion, and are dedicated to recruiting leaders interested in applying UUAA Core Values and Principles to leading our Congregation.

If you are interested in learning about becoming a UUAA Board member, please read more information about the Board of Trustees. You can read the specific roles and responsibilities of Board members. You are welcome to attend a Board meeting to observe the Board in action.

To suggest yourself or someone else for a UUAA Board or LDT position, please fill out this form.

To learn more about the LDT's process for selecting candidates for the ballot, please view this PDF.

Current LDT Members

Members are elected/appointed per the UUAA bylaws (see Article VII, Section 1 on page 10) and serve two-year terms ending in June of their final year.

The 2020-21 LDT members are Pete Mooney, Dawn Salo, Janet Callaway, Kim Clugston and Glenn Harris.


Contact the LDT

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Please allows 2-3 days for a response from our volunteer team.)